Why is hygiene at all important?
Because hygiene is a common name for general and practical procedures that ensure good health and cleanliness. Footwear is no exception.
We are sure you already know all this very well. These days, everyone is talking about hygiene. And has anyone told you about misophobia? Guess what, it is a word for fear. Misophobia is a pathological fear of bacteria, viruses and dirt. These days, it seems like we're all a bit of a misophobian ...
So hygiene is important, and seemingly irrelevant things like washing hands or shoes are actually the best measures to ensure good health and cleanliness.
So how to maintain footwear hygiene? Where did the bacteria on the shoe come from? How often is it necessary to wash shoes?
OK! Enough with the questions, here below are following answers.
Where did the bacteria on my shoes come?
Bacteria are found everywhere where we walk all day, in the square, malls, streets,parks, sea side,halls,indoors, offices, and etc. But also on the foot mat in front of the entrance to your apartment or house. And just imagine the number of tiny microorganisms on the floor in the toilet of a neighborhood cafe.
Still, there is no room to panic.
Although, you might consider taking off your shoes when entering your home. Maybe this Japanese practice is not so foolish.
Finally, regular washing and maintenance of your shoes or sneakers will reduce the risk of any adverse effects on human health.
How to keep your shoes clean?
There are various ways to keep them clean. The upper part of the shoe, just like the insoles, is cleaned and maintained with sprays, sponges and creams.
The inside of the shoe can be cleaned and disinfected, so you do not leave room for bacteria. Foot sweating can be prevented, and there are tricks to remove bad odor from your shoes. After you clean your shoes, dry them in the sunny spot. The bacteria don't like the sun very much.
If after washing you feel odor from your shoes (which comes from bacteria), repeat all once again. You can remove the insoles and wash them separately using warm water and soap. You can also try to add baking soda inside of the shoe, putting it all together in a plastic bag and in the washer. You probably know, but we will definitely say again, do not wash your leather shoes in the washing machine.
How Often Should You Wash Your Shoes?
This is one of the most common questions and in fact, there is no generally correct answer.
Two weeks is an average when it comes to the frequency of footwear washing. However, depending on the type of footwear, how often you wear it, and how you clean it, the answer may be between several times a week and once every couple of months.
To clarify one thing, if you wash your shoes exclusively in the washing machine, then do not do it too often, or at least use cold water and the mildest, slowest washing program. Your shoes will be grateful to you.
If you were somewhere in nature outdoors or parks and your footwear is muddy, wash it immediately, mud damages the material and the stitch. A big 'NO' for leaving mud on your shoes overnight.
Whether it's a shoes you wear on a daily basis, wash them at least once a week. Shoe care products will help with this.
Running shoes require more frequent washing. We sweat more in them, and that means more bacteria. In an ideal scenario, you have two or three pairs of running shoes that you rotate and wash once every two weeks. If you always run in the same, you should wash them several times a week.
Keep your shoes clean and extend the shoe's expected lifespan.