Finally! It came vacation time! You have already chosen the ideal location for your summer vacation, booked your travel ticket and planned all your summer activities, from lying on the beach to exploring cities, partying or hiking, but you are still bothered by such a banal thing: What shoes to bring with myself? You are not the only one. To most women choosing footwear for the trip is the most difficult task.
Take only basic footwear
You would rather pack an entire shoe closet because never you don't know what you will want to wear with your favorite white dress, will you be in the mood for a casual or sporty look or will you still want to go out in high-heeled sandals. Admit it to yourself, in the end you always wear only basic pieces of footwear.
The shoes are famous bag space thievesso don't repeat the same mistake this year as all previous years. Everything you need for a perfect summer vacation flip-flops, flip-flops and tennis shoes. Rather, leave room for a souvenir to take home.
Flip flops
Flip flops are classic light summer shoes. These years have become summer must have which more it is not reserved exclusively for the beach. In addition to being extremely comfortable, they are available in all possible colors and patterns so they are easy to fit into any playful or casual summer combination.
They allow the feet to breathe as much as possible, at the same time protecting you from hot asphalt and small annoying stones on the road.
Except classic flat flip-flops their formal dress recently returned to the fashion scene variant with raised heel. Designers and editors of fashion magazines just announced them this year the most desirable model of footwear. If you're brave enough to wear them, throw them in your travel bag.
Whatever occasion you find yourself in this summer, open toe platform sandals they are an infallible choice. They are great for situations where you want to feel more feminine because platforms elongate the legsand make you thinner. In addition to sensuality and elegance, elevated, a full heel ensures complete comfort without the painful gait, well known to all who have worn tanka, high heel. They were created for romantic evening walks.
In case you have included in your list of activities sports, hiking or long walks, make sure it's in your travel bag a pair of comfortable tennis shoes in which you feel unrestrained and comfortable.
Even if you don't plan to play sports, consider wearing one tennis shoes for summer vacation because it can always happen deterioration of the weather and cold. A must have on every trip closed shoes, just in case.
Sneakers are a great addition to a casual outfit for an evening out, especially if they are of cheerful colors and breathable materials in which your feet will not sweat.
Packing tips
Packing luggage it doesn't have to be a stressful task.Be systematic and quick, that way you will bring the least unnecessary things. Several tips for easier and more economical packing:
- compose a list of things you consider necessary and check how much space they take up
- choose several pieces of clothing in basic colors which you can easy to combine with each other
- it always does pack in sturdier travel bags so that your clothes don't get wrinkled
- don't overdo it with jewelry, you are on vacation, relax and do less decorating
- bring it mini packages of shampoo, shower gel and toothpaste so that they do not take up too much precious space
- obligatory bring a medicine bag and put pain pills, insect repellent cream, burn ointment, Band-Aids and high factor sunscreen in it
And most importantly, don't forget annual vacation book only for yourself and the people you love, forget about all the worries and everyday problems. Your only task is to enjoy it. You deserve it!
Check the offer of comfortable summer footwear for all possible combinations