There is probably no person who has not worn a model of sneakers of one brand or another. Recognizable three lines, black puma, casual or sports models... We bet you have at least one pair at home!
Did you know that the Adidas and Puma brands were created by two brothers? Ni.e., during the twenties of the 20th century, two brothers Adolf "Adi" and Rudolf started their small manufactory of sports shoes, named Geda - "Gebrüder Dassler" - "Dassler brothers".
At that time, they did not hope for any greater success, and they waited for it until 1936 and the Olympic Games. Adolf went to the Olympic village with a bag full of sports shoes and offered sprinter Jesse Owens to wear them. That's how he made history and secured the first sponsorship for an African-American athlete in history.
Owens provided the Americans with four medals, but the Dassler brothers also received enormous visibility, and they sold annually 200.000 a pair of tennis shoes. Animosity slowly began to be felt between the two brothers, and at the beginning of the split, it was linked to gossip about Rudi's affair with Adi's wife, and the argument about whose invention the cleats on football boots - thanks to which the German football team won the World Cup in 1954, in the final against Hungary played on a rain-soaked pitch. The fraternal quarrel thus culminated in II. World War, when Rudolf was convinced that his brother had him arrested, and in 1947 they finally decided that it was time to part.
Rudolf (left) and Adolf (right) Dassler
Source: sportshistoryweekly.com
Rudolf founded a new company Ruda (later Puma), and Adi - Adidas. Given that Geda used to employ most of the inhabitants of Herzogenaurach, the schism divided not only the family, but also the whole city - to the extent that the possible love between employees of Ruda and Adidas was characterized as a German version of Romeo and Juliet, and rivalries between fans of football clubs they reached a really high level.
Adidas was much more successful in business in the beginning, and the use of tennis shoes at the World Championship in 1956 made a huge contribution. Puma, although an equally high-quality brand, then it fell into oblivion because the world was flooded with three recognizable dashes. Their logo and famous "trefoil" they wore it, and everyone still wears it today. From football and tennis players, to public figures from the world of music and film.
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Rudolf was a successful marketer and assembled a good team, and he also managed to introduce his Puma brand into football circles. Not long after, they started producing clothes and dressing athletes from head to toe.
1) Carina Untamed, 2) Turino Stacked Glitter, 3) X-Ray 2Square, 4) X-Ray Lite Metallic
In 2009, Adidas and Puma finally ended their long-standing war in the city where it all began, Herzogenaurach. Representatives of both companies played reconciliation match, and today they operate just as successfully. Each of the brands has its fans, and Adidas and Puma models are truly wearable with all clothing combinations. If you like elegance and business look, both brands have classic different models of sneakers in their collections, and if you're a fan of sports combinations, you won't regret it either!
Spring has almost arrived, and the new collection Spring has almost arrived.