There's no doubt about it - when we talk about seasons, the transition from summer to autumn is definitely the least lovable transition period. However, in all that deceitful weather, rain, sudden cold and gray mornings, we found a bright spot that is easy to grasp and - fall in love with autumn!
For the world of fashion, autumn marks a new beginning, new opportunities and new victories, and the direction set by autumn collections lays the foundation for the entire fashion year! If we asked you "which period gives you the most inspiration?", you would almost certainly not say autumn, but still, the biggest news in fashion trends and the most successful collections of the biggest fashion designers brands they are born precisely in autumn!
Autumn color palette
If anything contributes to autumn inspiration, it is the colors of autumn. Between the lush greenery and the general gray nakedness, autumn offers us a magical combination of colors that we have been mentioning, drawing and admiring since our kindergarten days. Therefore, it is no wonder that we wear it with pleasure now, because it definitely does not lack charm. Pastel, but muted colors, in warm, soft shades they give the most beautiful version of natural color and highlight the connection between nature and man like no other color palette. Earth tones of the entire spectrum of green, beige and brown colors guarantee self-restraint elegance, which is then perfectly lifted by shades of orange, yellow, red and purple, for an unmistakable rustic chic effect.
Just like, after all, also in autumn nature :)
Business Chic
Another sphere where autumn means a new beginning is the business world. After annual vacations and a more casual summer, with charged batteries, the business industry starts at full steam - and of course this energy must be accompanied by the autumn business style. So called. Court shoes, business shoes with a heel, got their "strict" nickname because of the standards they set in the courts - in addition to the loose lawyer's gait that echoes in the marble corridors of courts around the world, an impression of seriousness and officialdom is not lacking.
There is also no shortage of favorites in the new autumn collection when it comes to business style - Calvin Klein and this season it gives a touch of luxury with its monogram, LIU.JO usually raises in the bar exclusivity, Tamaris covers absolutely every level of elegance you want to achieve.
Calvin Klein Essential / Tamaris Cognac
Autumn in moccasins
After a big comeback mokasins a few seasons ago, there was no indication that this trend would be so easily defeated - and it is clear why. Moccasins are exactly that saving type of footwear that allows us to have everything at the same time - and complete refinement, and long-lasting comfort. We love high heels, but low shoes will always be around essential piece who wins in the end. And when it comes to moccasins, we can be sure that they will find their place with every autumn outfit. Whether it's a business opportunity or a drink on the town, dose sophistication that they carry with them will fit both with a business look and with a casual one.
Tamaris Pale Grey / Tamaris Black Brush
It's time for boots and ankle boots
Some days may still be too warm for boots, but we all know how it goes - one day it's suddenly too cold for anything else! Let's not talk about the rain - the Sava has already overflowed, Karlovac has already flooded, and it's not even the tenth month yet.
Boots and ankle boots new collections bring us favorite trends in new editions. Thick soles will once again wade through puddles without mercy, and you can't go wrong with black and white, they'll cover equally well all the styles that go through autumn and winter - from Halloween to Christmas to spring without fail!
Tamaris Ivory / Tamaris gležnjače / LIU.JO Love
The shelves are still being filled, and every day and with every new model, the new collection delights more and more. This time we didn't even touch each other bags, because when we start talking about them, then there is no end - there is so much WOW new collection! That's why we'll just whisper to you that we have a completely new entry on the list - bags of the popular Italian brand Valentino are now available at the Modeline webshop and in stores!
We will tell you more about them soon ;)