New tennis shoes, apart from swallows, are the real harbingers of spring. If you're a true fan, you know that the best tennis shoes are new ones, but also, we're sure, you have very old ones, but you love them so much. The same thing is with shoes, boots i flip flops.
The new shoes are great, there's no question about that. You look at shopping as a kind of investment, a real small project. There are 9 stages of buying a new pair of shoes for nothing.
Do you know what they are?
First of all, you are excited at the very thought of new shoes.
After that comes happiness, then falling in love. How many times have you loved sneakers?
After that comes the phase of confusion, because something seems to be wrong, followed by mild "hatred" (most often towards a friend who doesn't like them at all) and then sadness and remorse.
You regret because you bought them or because you didn't.
However, everything comes to an end, so you accept your wise decision and happily continue on in a new pair of heels or tennis shoes.
The problem with tidying up comes a little later, whether there are too many of them or much more often, it's just like there isn't enough room for them all.
Except for swallows and new shoes, spring is also ideal for cleaning up old, but still useful and dear to the heart shoes.
In order to make the most of the limited space you have for storing shoes, a dose of creativity is needed.
Below you will find 6 tips and ways to organize shoes in small spaces, and if only one helps you - our mission is successful.
#1 Do not pile them on the floor
When it comes to putting away shoes, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably the floor of the closet, but that is by no means the smartest solution.
When they're piled on top of each other like that, it's almost impossible to find the ones you want. Also there is a possibility that they will be damaged while rummaging through them one over the other because you are late again.
If they really have to be at the bottom of the closet, at least organize them next to each other. After all, you paid for them.
#2 Organize them into categories
Before you start making and planning, organize your footwear into categories. Two categories that you should definitely have are:
- Shoes you wear all the time
Shoes you rarely use
Footwear that you wear infrequently such as flip flops or ski shoes, don't stick with the one you use every day. There is little space, and ski boots take up a lot of space.
You can go one step further. Group it the shoes you wear to work, also separate the shoes for special occasions. Running shoes can also be a separate category. The goal of this organization is for you to know exactly where to look when you go to work or dinner or a morning run.
#3 Do you need a special closet for storing shoes?
If you ask yourself this question, the answer is probably - yes.
In case your hallway is already cluttered with shoes, you might want to consider a separate shoe closet. You can use an old bookshelf or another shelf you have in the basement. Also, an old ladder can be a cool solution for storing shoes.
#4 Use old boxes instead of wardrobes
If a wardrobe is not an option for you for any reason, you can also use boxes.
Transparent boxes are ideal, because boxes that you can't see through, you'll agree, are not an overly ingenious solution.
However, the truth is that most of you have boxes somewhere that used to have shoes... but they are not transparent. Is there a solution to use them? There is a! All you need is a printer. Take a picture of the shoes, print the photo and stick it on the front of the box. That way you will know exactly which pair is in which box. You used the old boxes and organized the shoes, so it's a double-beneficial solution.
#5 Use the inside of the door
Shoe organizers that hang over the door are a simple and super efficient solution. They don't take up much space, and you can store flip-flops and flip-flops in them. In addition, they are also great for scarves, hats, belts and jewelry.
#6 Hang them on a "peg"
A "wedge" or in this case a clothes hook, can be another great solution for smart footwear organization when the problem is lack of space.
If you have an unused piece of wall, add clothes hooks to it. Instead of clothes, of course, you will hang shoes on it. Place the hooks a little lower so that guests do not mistake them for "real" hooks.
No matter how you store them, maintain footwear hygiene and take care of her.
Once you have successfully organized everything, you can reward yourself with a pair of shoes from the new Modela collection.