A very long time A very long time Bags and Shoes they were very clear.
The bag must be the same color as the shoes. And that was the only right way for a long time. Well, you may have been advised that this is a mandatory rule, and your mothers still abide by it to this day.
Trends have (luckily :)) changed and the rule no longer applies
how shoes and bag have to match. However, there are some rules on how to combine them well.
Find out how below
1. It's about contrasts
The key to a good bag and shoe combo is that they go together but are not the same. It means that We are looking for complementary colors or some colors that to match, without being identical.
For example, black high-heeled shoes They can look great in combination with with white bag which has a black detail.
Blue bag looks great with shoes of different shades of blue - by light blue to Navy blau. Beige Schuhe it will look great with a bag that has a beige strap.
But you get what we mean :)
As we can see, there is some level of coordination, but bags and shoes are not identical. It's all about finding the right contrast.
2. Textures are important
Consider textures when pairing shoes and bags. If you're dressed all in jeans, you can look great with a blue jean bag and shoes.
Also, Leather sandals with studs You can combine it with a leather bag with a chain. The combination is both feminine and original.
3. Big bag and flat shoes and vice versa
If it's yours big bag, Shoes need to be less conspicuous. This is a style rule that should also be followed when it comes to makeup. Therefore we must not exaggerate. Let the details speak for themselves. A big bag, combine with flat less conspicuous shoes. And don't worry, you will look glamorous ;)
4. Play with fashion
Another very important piece of advice we have for you is: Have fun. So if you want to connect the incompatible, feel free to do so.
The most important thing is that you feel comfortable in the combination you choose. How you feel will contribute to how you look ;)
5. And a few more ideas for outfits
a) Casually chic
For a cup of coffee or a stroll through the city, you can achieve a great effect if you combine a bag with tassels and fashionable sports shoes sneakers. It's a trend that fashionistas all over the world have gone crazy for, so why not try it yourself? Find it in our webshop New Balance Sneakers as in the picture ;)
b) Go out
Would you like to dress up for an evening, but also feel comfortable? A combination of a short skirt, slippers and small purses on the shoulder made for you :)
c) business look
Who says a business look has to be strict and boring? Combine a business dress and coat with a sturdy one ankle boots and elegant with a black leather bag. You will look business-like but trendy. And you'll have no problem extending it to an after-work night ;)
Finally we can conclude as they are the combination possibilities of shoes and bags are really big. It's great that almost everything is allowed Feel free to play with different fashionable combinations.
Spring is calling us to add a little color to our outfit It is best to freshen up the wardrobe with effective details - bags and shoes :)